Simple energy efficient solutions can save more money for your utility bills during holidays

OAKLAND — The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) have been approved by the state to increase rates in recent years that have led to higher bills for many customers. The holiday season in the winter would even bring most households higher PG&E bills. There are ways in taking energy-efficient actions during holidays to save more money for your PG&E bills.
Christmas tree lights, decoration displays, festive feasts and home heating over the holidays are the sources for most households using more gas and electricities in the winter driving up their energy bills.
According to the California Energy Commission, 10% of typical household energy use is from lighting and 31% is from kitchen appliances. Energy efficient solutions can help to bring down the utilities bills and be friendly to our globe and environment by saving more energy.
In the winter holiday season, PG&E provides simple tips to save energy and money for their utilities bills.
“Energy costs can vary widely over the holidays, but customers can celebrate and save by incorporating a few energy-efficient steps in their seasonal prep,” said David Poster, PG&E Director of Energy Efficiency. “Small changes can add up and make a meaningful difference.”
The energy efficient tips include:
1. Dial down the thermostat: For every degree you turn down your thermostat, you can save 1% on your annual energy bill.

2. Convection check: Use the convection setting on your oven. It cooks food faster and at a lower temperature, which saves energy and money.
3. Group gourmet: Cook side dishes simultaneously in the oven. This reduces prep time and saves energy by allowing your oven to run for less time.
4. Lids on, doors closed: Every time the oven door opens, the temperature inside is reduced by as much as 25 degrees. Use the oven window instead. Keeping lids on pots and pans and using glass or ceramic dishes can also reduce cooking time.
5. Induction inspiration: Explore alternative cooking methods, including microwaves, crockpots, or induction cooktops for meals instead of a traditional stovetop to reduce energy costs.
6. Dishwasher Duty: Using your dishwasher is more energy efficient than washing by hand. Run it with a full load and stop before the heat-dry cycle to save energy.
7. LED lighting: LED holiday lights are at least 75% more energy efficient, and last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. They also emit less heat, reducing the risk of burns or fire hazards.
8. Smart timers: Automate your holiday lights to focus on festivities while saving energy. Scheduled on/off times prevent wasteful all-day and all-night displays.
9. Consider heat pump technology: It is the most efficient way to heat water or heat/cool your home. Learn more at
10. Clean air filters: By cleaning or replacing air filters regularly, you can enhance your heating system, improve indoor air quality, and reduce energy costs. You can find a replacement filter at your local hardware store for about $5.
11. Use light dimmers: Installing dimmers and using only the light you need can help you save significantly on lighting costs and extend the life of your bulbs.
12. Insulate your electric water heater: The average household spends more than $250 per year on water heating. It’s the second largest energy expenditure behind heating and cooling.
13. Keep warm air moving: Reverse your fan in winter to produce a gentle updraft, forcing warm air near the ceiling down into the living space.

14. Stop drafts in their tracks: Sealing air leaks can save you up to 20% on your heating and cooling costs. Weatherstrip windows and doors and seal cracks with caulk.
Due to the PG&E rate hikes in recent years, customers who are behind paying bills have also increased. PG&E offers assistance programs to help income-eligible customers pay their bills:
1. California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE): Provides a discount of 20% or more each month on gas and electricity bills.
2. Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA): Offers a 18% monthly discount on electricity bills for households with 3 or more people.
3. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): a federally funded program overseen by the state that offers a one-time payment up to $1,000 on past due bills to help low-income households pay for heating or cooling in their homes.
4. Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): a debt forgiveness plan for eligible residential customers.
For more information on energy savings, you may find it online:
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