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Chinese community hosts fundraiser at SF Chinatown in support of Kevin Mullin for Congress

Portia Li / 李秀蘭
Portia Li / 李秀蘭
April 8, 2022
Three Chinese American elected leaders, Fiona Ma (from far left), Phil Ting and Connie Chan, support Kevin Mullin running for Congress. Photo by Ben Kwan
Three Chinese American elected leaders, Fiona Ma (from far left), Phil Ting and Connie Chan, support Kevin Mullin running for Congress. Photo by Ben Kwan

(SAN FRANCISCO) The Chinese community hosted a fundraiser last Saturday, April 2, in San Francisco Chinatown to support Kevin Mullin running for the House of Representative 15th District in June. Mullin told 300 supporters in the event that he would be the voice of the Chinese community in Congress once he gets elected.

It is the first time in 15 years to have an open seat for the congressional race in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties. Mullin is running to succeed Congresswoman Jackie Speier who announced her retirement last November for not seeking re-election this year. Speier has also announced her endorsement for Mullin in the race .

Mullin, who is currently serving as the California Assembly Speaker pro Tem representing San Mateo County, will be the Democratic candidate for Congress in the June primary election. Mullin has received the state Democratic Party endorsement. Top two candidates in the June primary will have a runoff election in November.

There have been no Chinese Americans to be elected to Congress in the history of the San Francisco Bay Area. "There are over 50,000 Chinese Americans living in the 15th District from Redwood City to the southeast region in San Francisco, including Portola, Visitacion Valley and Excelsior neighborhoods. Once I get elected to the Congress. I will be the voice for the Chinese and Asian community," said Mullin in the fundraising luncheon which was held in the Far East Cafe in Chinatown.

Three Chinese American elected leaders, State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Assemblymember Phil Ting and San Francisco District 1 (Richmond District) Supervisor Connie Chan, were in attendance to campaign for Mullin.

"Kevin (Mullin) understands the community. His father, Gene Mullin, had also served in the legislature representing San Mateo County. I have known both Kevin and his father very well in Sacramento," said Ma.

Hundreds of supporters join a fundraiser in SF Chinatown in support of Kevin Mullin (center in front row) running for Congress. Photo by Ben Kwan.
Hundreds of supporters join a fundraiser in SF Chinatown in support of Kevin Mullin (center in front row) running for Congress. Photo by Ben Kwan.

"We started in 2010 together. We are good friends. Kevin is a person of integrity . He always talks about democracy. His leadership will go to the Congress," said Ting.

Supervisor Chan has also known Mullin well because she worked at Mullin's Assembly Office before she was selected as a Supervisor in November 2020. "Kevin was always very supportive to the Chinese community when I worked there. He is very concerned about health care, seniors and more issues. He would always ask about the Chinese community in the district," said Chan.

A number of the community leaders also joined the event to support Mullin's candidacy, including Tilly Chang, Executive Director of San Francisco County Transportation Authority, Kara Chien, Managing Director of the Mental Health Unit in SF Public Defender's Office, Anni Chung, Executive Director of Self-Help for the Elderly, Kitman Chan, President of the Board of the Trustees of Chinese Hospital, Marlene Tran, Visitacion Valley community leader, and Man Kit Lam, Recall the School Board campaign leader.

Members of the Chinese medicine community came to show their support for Mullin. "We have known Kevin Mullin in the legislature well. He has been one of the supporters on the Chinese medicine related legislations," said Michelle Lau, who is a leader of the Chinese medicine in California and has worked on the Chinese medicine and acupuncture legislations for over three decades.

"Congresswoman Judy Chu was a member of the California legislature before she was elected to the Congress representing Southern California. Judy has been a big supporter of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. We need more Congress members like Judy Chu to advocate for us on the issues and expand it nationwide," said Lau.

Mullin showed his gratitude to the support from the Chinese community. "My twin boys will enter the public school system soon. I support more fundings to fight against hate crime and for the small business owners. I will be the champion for democracy and voting rights," said Mullin.